309 research outputs found


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    Prevalensi penyakit ginjal kronik semakin meningkat setiap tahun nya didunia.Anemia merupakan gambaran klinis umum pada pasien PGK.Menurut Finkelstein ada kaitan anemia dan kualitas hidup pasien PGK.Kualitas Hidup kurang baik meningkatkan Mortalitas.Tujuan.mengetahui presentase anemia dan hubungan kadar derajat anemia dengan kualitas hidup pasien PGK yang menjalani hemodialisa di RSUD dr. Zainoel Abidin. Metode.jenis Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan desain Cross Sectional. Pengambilan data dengan melihat data rekam medik pasien.Kualitas Hidup dinilai dengan kuesioner SF-36. Anlisis bivariate dengan uji Spearman.Hasil Penelitian. Jumlah Sampel 53 orang, usia terbanyak 31-40 tahun, Jenis kelamin terbanyak adalah laki-laki, Derajat anemia yang tertinggi pada pasien PGK yaitu derajat anemia sedang 25 orang (47,2 %), kualitas Hidup yang baik 18 orang (34%), kualitas hidup kurang baik 35 (66). Terdapat hubungan kadar derajat anemia dengan kualitas hidup (p=0,000) kekuatan hubungan nya kuat ( r=0,601). Kesimpulan.Kadar derajat anemia mimiliki hubungan dengan kualitas hidup pasien PGK yang menjalani hemodialisa di rumah sakit umum dr.Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh.Kata kunci: PGK, Hemodialisa,kualitas Hidup, Kadar derajat anemi


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan November sampai bulan Desember 2016. Adapun lokasi pelaksanakan penelitian tersebut di kawasan Pantai Kecamatan Mesjid Raya, Aceh Besar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode transek. Pada setiap stasiun dibuat transek dengan ukuran panjang 25 m dan lebar 10 m. Tali transek ditarik dengan jarak 5 meter dari bibir pantai yang tegak lurus dari posisi titik surut terendah ke arah tubir karang. Parameter yang diukur adalah diameter cangkang tubuh, bobot tubuh, Indeks Kematangan Gonad (IKG) dan Tingkat Kematangan Gonad (TKG).TKG ditetapkan berdasarkan morfologi gonad. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Jenis bulu babi yang ditemukan pada Kawasan Pantai Kecamatan Mesjid Raya Kabupaten Aceh Besar adalah Tripneutes gratilla, Echinothrix calamaris, Echinometra vanbrunti, Diadema setosum dan Toxopneustes pileolus dengan jumlah total 66 individu yang terdiri dari 41 individu bulu babi jantan dan 25 individu bulu babi betina. Seluruh jenis bulu babi tersebut dapat ditemukan di Pantai Ahmad Rhangmanyang dengan jumlah 24 individu jantan dan 17 individu betina, sedangkan di Pantai Lamreh diperoleh hanya tiga jenis saja yaitu E. calamaris, E. vanbrunti, D. setosum dengan jumlah 17 individu jantan dan 8 individu betina. Terdapat keragaman kematangan gonad antar individu maupun jenis bulu babi yang ditemukan. Kata kunci : Bulu babi, gonad, IKG, morfologi ABSTRACTThis study was conducted from November until December 2016. The location ofthe research implementation was in the beach area of Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar. The research method used was transect method. At each station, transect was madewith the length of 25 meters and width of 10 meters. The transect rope was stretched with a5 meters distance from the perpendicular shoreline from the position of lowest tide point to the direction of the reef will. The measured parameters were the diameter of the shell body, the weight of the body, The Maturity Index of the `Gonads (IKG) and The Maturity Level of the Gonads (TKG).TKG was determined based on the morphology of the gonads. Data were analyzed descriptively. The types of sea urchins found on the beach area ofMesjid Raya District in Aceh Besar RegencywereTripneutes gratilla, Echinothrix calamaris, Echinometra vanbrunti, Diadema setosum and Toxopneustes pileolus with a total of 66 individuals which comprised of 41 male urchin individuals and 25 female urchin individuals. All types of urchins can be found on theAhmad Rhangmanyang Beach with a total of 24 male individualsand 17 female individuals, whereas only three types of E. calamaris, E. vanbrunti, and D. Setosumcan be obtained from Lamreh Beach, with the total number of 17 male individuals and 8 female individuals. There was a diversity of gonads maturity between the individuals and the type of urchins that was found. Keywords: gonads, IKG, morphology, urchin


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    Di seluruh dunia prevalensi obesitas meningkat tajam dan telah mencapai tingkatan yang membahayakan. Pada tahun 2013, remaja di indonesia mengalami overweight sebanyak 5,7% dan 1,6% mengalami obesitas. Obesitas merupakan kondisi pertambahan lemak tubuh yang didasarkan pada nilai indeks massa tubuh diatas normal (IMT). Kurangnya aktivitas fisik dan pola makan yang tidak baik serta adanya riwayat keluarga yang memiliki obesitas merupakan faktor resiko dari obesitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan riwayat keluarga, konsumsi serat dan aktivitas fisik dengan obesitas pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kecamatan Kuta Alam Kota Banda Aceh. Jenis penelitian adalah analitik observasional dengan rancangan cross-sectional. Untuk penilaian asupan serat menggunakan kuesioner Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ), buku food models dan nutrisurvey 2007. Menilai aktivitas fisik menggunakan Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) dan riwayat keluarga dengan kuesioner. Selama penelitian berlangsung didapatkan subjek sebanyak 46 responden, terdiri dari laki-laki 21 orang dan perempuan 25 orang. Responden yang obesitas I (60,9%), memiliki riwayat keluarga obesitas (78,3%), konsumsi serat buruk (69,6%), aktivitas fisik ringan (69,6%) dan menggunakan uji spearman menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara riwayat keluarga dengan obesitas (p = 0,033). tidak adanya hubungan antara konsumsi serat dengan obesitas (p = 0,760) dan terdapat hubungan antara aktivitas fisik dengan obesitas (p = 0,022). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa riwayat keluarga dan aktivitas fisik berhubungan dengan obesitas sedangkan konsumsi serat tidak berhubungan dengan obesitas.Kata Kunci: Riwayat Keluarga, Konsumsi Serat, Aktivitas Fisik, Obesitas, SQ-FFQ, GPAQ

    Profile of Students’ Environmental Literacy: A Hypotetic Model to Perform Effective Environmental Education

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    Environmental literacy is a measurement of the people’s knowledge about environment and its interaction with human life. One of the efforts to achieve environmental literacy is implementing environmental education. The research is focused on efforts to know 1) environmental literacy profile of students in green open space; 2) Hypothetical models for effective environmental learning based on student profile findings. This research is a type of descriptive research. The research subject is students of Junior High School (SMPN) 2 Suayan in the 2020/2021 school year. Total sample is 70 students. Test is used to measure  students’ environmental literacy for the domain of knowledge. Non-tests is used to measure attitude and behavior domains. The number of questions/statements is 45 items with 15 questions/ statements for each domain. The average score for environmental literacy for these 3 domains is 77,1 % and is interpreted high. Based on literature and interview, high environmental literacy scores of students are at least influenced by two factors, namely 1) the implementation of environmental education in schools 2) students who are always exposed to green open spaces. Furthermore, based on this result, it is proposed a hypothetical model for the effective implementation of environmental

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Kampung Sebagai Media Pelayanan Warga Berbasis Web

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    Kampung Hegarmanah merupakan salah satu bagian dari desa parung panjang kecamatan parung panjang yang berada di kabupaten bogor. Pada saat ini keadaan sistem yang berjalan masih menggunakan sistem yang  belum terkomputerisasi, dengan menggunakan selembar kertas yang di cetak sehingga  resiko kehilangan data masih sangat besar, warga dalam menyampaikan kritik dan saran dari warga belum tertampung dengan baik. Kemudian warga untuk mengajukan surat pengantar atau surat keterangan warga harus datang langsung ke rumah ketua Rt untuk mendapatkan surat yang dibutuhkan, kemudian ketua Rt mengisikan data warga pada selembar kertas surat pengantar, apabila ketua Rt tidak ada di rumah atau tidak ketemu maka warga akan menunggu lama untuk membuat surat pengantarnya sehingga terpaksa tertunda pembuatannya. Hal ini di anggap kurang efisien bagi warga yang mempunyai jadwal kegiatan yang padat. Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Kampung Sebagai Media Pelayanan Warga ini menggunakan metode waterfall untuk mengatasi permasalahan diatas, dalam pengembanganya. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa Sistem Informasi Kampung Sebagai Media Pelayanan Warga, sehingga sistem ini  dapat memudahkan warga dalam melaporkan saran, ide atau kritik pada ketua Rt dan membantu mempermudah ketua Rt dalam memberikan informasi kepada warganya. Selain itu, sistem ini dapat membantu meningkatkan pelayanan warga Rt 002

    Administrasi Publik Dalam Perspektif Islam: Kajian Pada Sistem Pemerintahan Umar Bin Khattab

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    This study examines about public administration in an Islamic perspective, studies on the system of government of Umar Bin Khattab. The administrative system was not implemented before Nabi Muhammad SAW moved to Medina, after Nabi Muhammad SAW moved from Mecca to Medina, reading and writing activities began to be carried out among the Muslims and to build a government based on Islamic law. The development of the administration was increasingly rapid during the Caliphate of Umar bin Khattab. This research is a type of library research with a research approach using qualitative research methods. Literature research is research that uses data collection techniques by reviewing books, literature, notes and various reports related to the problem to be studied. Public administration as a discipline that is dynamic in accordance with the times. In line with the times, public administration has changed for the better in accordance with the demands of an increasingly complex era. In the western perspective, public administration has experienced developments starting from the old public administration paradigm, new public management, to the new public service. In an Islamic perspective, administration is known as al-idara. Administration in Islam refers to the Qur'an and its interpretations as well as hadiths and syarahs. The sources of interpretation provide an explanation of the signs of the Qur'an whose position exceeds the general rules relating to the order of people's lives. In the context of public services, excellent service is a must and obligation for both the government and the state civil apparatus. Public services are carried out based on Islamic teachings, namely the services provided must be good, honest, quality and trustworthy


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    ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Pernikahan merupakan salah satu sarana menyempurnakan ibadah, serta .menciptakan .generasi.yang berakhlak baik, karena.Islam gencar mempromosikan tatanan keluarga yang sejahtra dan damai. stand pernikahan sangatlah tinggi sehingga untuk menjaga perlu adanya ikatan pernikahan oleh suatu perjanjian ikrar yang suci sesuai perintah syariah islam. Dalam pernikahan di Indonesia ada istilah sighot taklik talak namun dalam pelaksanaanya menimbulkan perbedaan pendapat baik dalam hukum Islam atau UUP No 1 tahun 1974, untuk membantu menganalisis masalah hukum perkawinan terutama taklik talak, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengatuhi implikasi hukum dalam pelafalan sighot taklik talak yang berdasarkan pandangan Hukum Islam dan UUP No 1 Tahun 1974Metode klasifikasi riset ini tercantum riset sastra ataupun yang tercantum dalam jenis. riset hukum yuridis. normatif. Analisis informasi riset menggunakan metode normatif yang didukung oleh logika deduktif dan di cek menggunakan triangulasi.Hasil: Saat ini menurut kuasa hukum jumhur Ulama taklik talak mubah, Dalam kajian syariat Islam, taklik talak memiliki satu syarat, yaitu kondisi mutlak yang jatuh bercerai Ketika kondisi itu terjadi. Sementara talak taklik versi Indonesia tidak hanya kondisi alternatif saja, namun terdapat persyaratan kumulatif, yang wajib diserahkan kepada PA. Berikutnya, dalam kajian Hukum Islam taklik talak, digolongkan dengan talak raj’ i, sebab suami yang melafalkan taklik talak tersebut. Sebaliknya bagi Uu Nomor Tahun 1974 Tentang pernikahan, taklik talak tersebut tercantum pelangaran dalam jenis talak ba’ in sughra( cerai gugat), walaupun juga yang jatuh merupakan talak suaminya.Kata kunci : Implikasi, Komparasi, Sighot taklik talak, UU .No 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang .Perkawinan.  ABSTRACT Introduction : Marriage is a means of perfecting worship, as well as creating a generation of good morals, because Islam is aggressively promoting a prosperous and peaceful family order. The marriage stand is very high so as to maintain the need for a marriage bond by a sacred pledge agreement according to Islamic sharia commands. In marriage in Indonesia there is the term sighot taklik talak but in its implementation it causes differences of opinion both in Islamic law or UUUP No. 1 of 1974, to help analyze marriage legal issues, especially taklik talak, the purpose of this study is to observe the legal implications in the pronunciation of sighot taklik talak which based on the views of Islamic Law and UUUP No. 1 of 1974Metode :This research classification method includes literary research or those listed in type. juridical law research. normative. Analysis of research information using normative methods supported by deductive logic and checked using triangulation.Result : Currently, according to the attorney for the majority of Ulama taklik talak mubah, in the study of Islamic law, taklik talak has one condition, namely the absolute condition that divorce occurs when that condition occurs. Meanwhile, the Indonesian version of talak taklik is not only an alternative condition, but there are cumulative requirements, which must be submitted to the PA. Next, in the study of Islamic law, taklik talak is classified as talak raj'i, because it is the husband who recites the taklik talak. In contrast to Law Number 1974 concerning marriage, the talik talak is listed as a violation in the type of talak ba 'in sughra (divorce sughra), although it is also her husband's divorce. Keywords: Implications, Comparison, Sighot taklik talak, Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriag


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    The title of this research is “The Effect of Using Picture Series to Increase Speaking Ability at the Second Year Students of MTs Negeri Naumbai”. This research is experimental research. It is investigated to know the the students’ speaking ability using picture series and to know the significant effect of picture series to increase students’ speaking ability. The subject of this research was the second year students of MTs Negeri Naumbai. The second year students consisted of three classes (60 students). The researcher took two classes (40 students) as the sample of the research. In addition, the students were divided into two groups. They are experiment class consisting of 20 students and control class consisting of 20 students. The instruments of this research were observation and test. The observation was used to know the writer’s activities in teaching speaking by using picture series. The observation result is clearly seen that the writer has been done the activities perfectly. It can be seen from the observation sheet from observation I to VIII. In observation I, the total writer’s activity was 2 (40%), in observation II was 2 (40%), in observation III was 3 (60%), in observation IV was 3 (60%), in observation V was 5 (100%), in observation VI was 5 (100%), in observation VII was 5 (100%), and in observation VIII was 5 (100%). Whereas, to analyze the data, the researcher used “t-test statistic” by using the formula as follow: x y X y X Y N N N N x y M M t 1 1 2 2 2 Finally, based on the writer’s findings, the result of tcalculated is higher than tdistribution in alpha decision level 0,05 and with the degree of freedomdf 38 (2.382>1.684). Regarding to the result, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. It means that there is significant effect of picture series to increase students’ speaking ability at the second year of MTs Negeri Naumbai. This finding shows that the students who are taught by using picture series have better result in speaking than who are taught by using conventional one

    Government Policy In Distribution Of Cash Social Assistence (BST) In The New Normal Era

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    This study examined government policies in the distribution of Cash Social Assistence (BST) in the new normal era of the covid-19 pandemic. Research location in Darul Aman District of East Aceh Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach, data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study found that government policies in the distribution of BST social assistance to the poor in the new normal era of the Covid-19 pandemic were in fact middle-class economic communities.  Although they are affected by Covid-19, many poor families affected by Covid-19 do not get BST social assistance. In the new normal era, the Government of Indonesia re-opened public spaces for community activities in the hope that the wheels of the people's economy returned to normal, but people's dependence on social assistance actually increased and the community continued to rely on social assistance from the government. Thus the community does not seek to develop itself in order to improve the family economy.
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